Monday, January 30, 2012

5 chemistry experiments that even toddlers will love!

I have always loved science. I was never really any good at it in high school, but I still really enjoyed my chem classes! I love to do science experiments with the kids and the ones who appreciate it the most are the little ones toddler-kinders. Here a few for pint-sized Einsteins:

1- Good old Vinegar and Baking Soda:

They may not understand (or care for that matter) why it happens, but they LOVE the way the vinegar and baking soda react together. I like to put the vinegar in smaller containers (ice cube trays work great!) and let the kids spoon baking soda into it. The activity lasts a bit longer this way. Another cool way to do it, is the opposite. Fill a shallow but wide bin (like a sensory box) with baking soda and let them pour the baking soda into it.

For groups of kids- a sensory box with ice cube trays or small containers with vinegar works great! Have a bowl of baking soda or 2 for the kids to spoon from.

For one of two kids, put one small bowl inside a larger bowl to catch the overflows.

2. Sensory Bottles/ Wave in a bottle

Use a clean, clear, re-closable bottle. Add beads, glitter or small plastic toys to the bottle. Pour in some food colouring and fill it half way with water. Fill the rest of the bottle with cooking oil. We used vegetable oil since it was inexpensive and we have lots of it on hand. It is also non-toxic in case of spills or leaks.

The water and oil won't mix. The kids love shaking the bottles and watching the mixture separate again or making waves with them.

3. Goup:

Mix cornstarch and water (more or less- twice as much cornstarch as water) and you have a solid liquid! Hours of fun! Warning- This is a messy one! If you don't mind stained hands, you could add food colouring to the water before mixing it in.

4.   Kitchen Chemistry:
My monkeys love this one! You find a bunch of different little bowls and fill them with different kitchen ingredients. I usually use flour, baking soda, baking powder, instant oatmeal, cornstarch, tapioca flour, cornmeal, etc. Then fill a bunch of little cups with: water, juice, lemon juice, vinegar, milk, etc. Spread out a garbage bag or tablecloth, give the kids some mixing bowls and spoons and let them take the lead. Close supervision is required of course and I am usually ready with a wipe in my hand to avoid things getting into eyes.

5. Milk "Fireworks" 
Fill a shallow bowl with milk and add a single drop of different food colouring colours. Put a small dab of dish soap (sunlight works great!) on the index finger of the child and then have them touch the milk. The colours will "explode" away from the finger and mix all together. Its very pretty and the kids love it!

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