In February 2007, Patrick brought me to Europe for the first time and proposed on the top of the Eiffel tower. It was an unforgettable trip! We took only our backpacks, stayed in a hostel and walked until our legs were numb. But I will never forget it.
Fast forward 5 years...
Im now 25 years old, have a 17 month old little girl and Im 5 and a half months pregnant with my little boy. We've actually travelled more since having my daughter and, though its a different experience, we are still loving it! There are a few things we've learned, though:
1. Bring a parent or someone who can help out if possible. If not, designate a certain period of time every day or two for each parent to have a break alone.
2. Change your expectations. Make your goal to simply have a good time and bond with your family. You will be disappointed if you set out to relax or see certain monuments or historic sites in depth. But if you keep your mind on the fact that you just want to have fun and spend quality time with your loved ones, you can't fail.
3. Prepare as much as possible and be flexible.
Our first trip with my daughter was in January 2011 when she was 5 months old. We flew to Maui to celebrate my brother's wedding. We were pretty nervous to do it, but it is one of those things that I just couldn't miss. Let me tell you, this is the best best best time to travel! The trick with getting over nerves of travelling with an infant is similar to jumping into a cold lake. Just close your eyes and Jump! Just book it. Deal with the nerves and the worries after, but just book it so its done. It will not be as bad as you can imagine.
With a young baby, its very easy- First of all, they sleep a lot. They also sleep anywhere and are very adaptable. Second of all, they don't really care where you go, or what you do, so you get to make all the decisions. Honestly, it doesn't get any better than that! So go for it!
With a toddler, it does get more complicated, but it could still be a pleasant experience if you prepare.
On the airplane:
- Make sure that your kid is sucking on something during take off and landing. It could be a pacifier, a bottle, a boob.. whatever! But it will keep their ears from popping and keep them from a painful flight(as well as everyone else on the plane). I filled my daughter's trickiest sippy cup (where she has to really suck hard) with some apple juice. We dont usually give her juice so its a special treat. When she was younger we just put her milk in a slow nipple bottle so she had to suck hard as well. Having a few options on hand (literally in your hand since you can't unpack your luggage during take-off and landing) will be helpful. We made sure to keep milk in a bottle, juice in a sippy cup, and 2 soothers (since one might get thrown) in our pouch just in case. Worked like a charm
- Do not rely on the tv's onboard for entertainment since not all plane have them, and if they do, they might not work, or they might not be the right show. Serenity pointed to the tv and asked for Dora...She was not pleased when Caillou came on instead. We bought a pair of headphones in advance with the headband part on them since they only sell the kind that fit in your ears on the plane. She wouldn't wear them, so that was a waste of $20.. But if you're kid will tolerate them, then make sure to pick them up in advance!
- Pick up new toys and books and save them for the flight. We went to boomerang kids, a local consignment shop that sells used toys and books, and picked up a bunch of small, fun looking toys. We brought our daughter and let her pick out the ones that looked fun. We saved a lot by buying them used, and we knew they would be a hit. Once they go through the cash, they go away until you are on the plane so they are exciting and new.
- If your child is being especially loud or kicking the seat in front, consider buying a drink for that person or the people next to you. I have heard of people bringing earplugs on the plane with them to pass out to anyone who may want them.
- Bring of a change of clothes for you and and your child. The possibilities are endless when it comes to bodily fluids (or even spilled drinks) from a small child. You will want to be prepared.
- Bring your own empty sippy cups and have the flight attendants pour your child's drink in them instead of a plastic cup. Or, fill it up at the airport after you get through security.
- Bring enough diapers to last 2 days. I have had my luggage lost when I had packed lightly. When there are no stores open, and a child that pooped through them all. It is not worth it! Pack the essentials for the flight in a small accessible bag under the seat in front of you and put the extras in the larger carry-on in the overhead bins.
-Bring your stroller and gate check it. Life is so much easier when you have a free hand and a back that isnt too sore from carrying around a baby.
- Dont check your carseat. They get chucked around and could be damaged without your knowledge. I have seen them thrown from platforms. If they are useless after a small rear-ending accident, then this most certainly will affect them.
-Always pack extra pacifiers. We packed 10 on our last trip and lost all but one which we accidently left in the stroller when we gate checked it. It was not the best flight. A pacifyer clip is very helpful as well as some wet-one wipes or pacifyer clips for when they are dropped.
-If your are bringing your carseat on the plane, consider getting one of these
Fun in the air:
When she was younger (5 months), we got my daughter:
- some books with flaps and sensory patches
- some teething toys (who were we kidding, she still doesnt have teeth!)
- some wind up toys that could scitter along the tray
- mirrors (babyproof ones that won't be deemed as a weapon), and things like that. p-0l
But mostly she just slept and had milk and looked around.
At a year old (12 months) we packed:
- Flash cards. Pull them out one at a time and talk about each one: "This is a lion! He says: "rawwwwrrrr!" Do you see his fur? Where is his tail? Look there it is..." and when they get bored, pull out the next one. If you have 20 in a box, it could actually keep them busy for a really long time!)
- Books with flaps
- Playdough (under 100ml)
- Puppets
- Hide and seek puzzles (We have this one and it goes to every restaurant with us)
- Small wind up toys (chattering teeth, animals that hop, etc)
- A small soft photo album with pictures of people your baby knows, animals, and things that they like
Ideas for an 18 month old
- A bunch of pennies and 2 paper or plastic cups. Your child will love putting them into the cups and taking them out. For a new game, turn the cup upside down and poke a slit in the bottom (use keys if you have them) to make a "piggy bank" There will be no bottom, but your child will fitting the pennies in the hole and lifting the to find them hiding underneath.
- Crayola Colour Wonder paper and markers- Draws only on the paper! (Thank God, or the tv would have been coloured on!)
- Look and Find Books- This was the favorite-
- Portable DVD player with new Dora dvd or whatever your child's favorite might be
-Wrap new toys in paper bags like presents! Open one per hour. Decorate the bags. Let your child listen to the crinkle of them, feel the paper, look at all the stickers, etc. Remember, this is intended to keep them busy for as long as possible. Apparently security wont allow wrapped items onto the plane, so this is why the bags might be a better option. Pack them separately and do not seal them.
-Make puppets out of the puke bags
- A pen or crayons
-Play finger games such as: The itsy bitsy spider, this little piggy, round and round the garden. Look them up online and print them off. You probably wont remember them all when you will need them.
- Dont be ashamed to sing your child's favorite songs. The other passengers will surely rather hear the wheels on the bus instead of hours of screaming.
Whatever your experience, just remember, it wont last forever. You will eventually reach your destination and it will all be worth it! Good luck and have a great flight!
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Serenity, 5 months old, en route to Hana, Maui. (This was in the car, but we dont have any in flight photos, so it will have to do!) |
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